Shop. Save.
The world’s first loyalty program to automatically combine shopping discounts & charity giving in the same transaction.
Find out how it works for:
Shopping discounts that are available right now
How Doing Good Rewards works:

Socially Aware Shopping
Just shop as normal from Doing Good retailers, whether their discount offered is in-store, online, eGift Cards, eTickets or Movie eVouchers, know that every transaction is saving you money while funding charities.

Fully Automatic
In 2 minutes you can download the app and sign up. Then simply shop at Doing Good retailers and
automatically pass some or all of the discount
onto your selected charity.

Split the Savings
Our Doing Good retailers offer you discounts and
it’s up to you how much you split between yourself and your chosen charity. Save first then automatically give a part of your saving. You are not being asked to top-up your purchase to give an extra amount to charity!
How to join Doing Good Rewards:
1. Download
the App
Available on Apple Store and Google Play!
2. Sign Up
in 2 Mins
Create an account and link your credit card for automatic savings when you shop.
3. Shop. Save.
Any time you shop at a Doing Good retailer, first check whether their offer is in-store, online, eGift card or eTickets & Movie eVouchers so you can access discounts and fund charities.

We aim to give $200M+
to charities by 2026
At Doing Good Rewards we want to make charity giving as easy as possible. For charities to receive sustainable funding it needs to be simple, convenient and automatic.
Every time you shop at a Doing Good retailer you are automatically funding charities, which will allow them to spend less time fundraising and more time doing good work helping those in need. Together we can change the world!